Pablo Larraín

Spencer Q&A with Natalie, Kristen and Pablo

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Spencer, the movie directed by Pablo Larraín and starring Kristen Stewart, is one of the most promoted films in the current awards season. Stewart is nominated for an Oscar for her performance (as was Natalie with Jackie in 2017, also directed by Larraín). NEON, the distributor of the film in the USA, has sponsored a conversation between the three artists via zoom, and it is available on YouTube. Enjoy:


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Jackie Screening for Variety

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Natalie attended a screening of Jackie tonight, hosted by Variety and AARP movies for Grownups Screenings. At the later private party, she posed with some of the guests, including Reese Whitherspoon, who recently praised the film on her Twitter account. Rex Features and Daily Mail have a lot of photos of the screening, and also some of the instagram photos taken during the event:



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