Interview Round-up

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Okay, let’s try and chip away at some of the outstanding Natalie content.

This Deadline interview has some great insight into TOLAD, Natalie admitting that she’s got a very busy period of acting coming up, and this interesting quote about producing.

It’s more about being able to create things for myself. It’s complicated when you’re just an actor, you’re subject to waiting for something good and for someone interesting to offer you something interesting. I’ve worked long enough to know there are certain waves and periods you don’t have the opportunities you’d like to so it really was born out of that. I am hoping to create things I’d be interested in, and makes me less passive in the process. I don’t believe my job as producer is to control. I have strong beliefs in the authority and leadership of the director. I really believe in the importance of that hierarchy.

This Variety interview has some talk of her new projects (Planetarium is up first and will be, at least in part, in French) and talk of the directors who helped her along the way.

Darren Aronofsky was great about reminding me to remember my reason for making it throughout the entire process, which was really helpful to always have the voice I had [from the beginning]. Terry Malick was very supportive, reminding me not to listen to anyone who was trying to make it more conventional. He said, “Don’t listen to people who tell you to have a three-act structure.” And Mike Nichols was very supportive. I had my dream team of people I was calling and asking for help.


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