It's that time. Hold onto your hats pants. - Sometimes you can see Natalie backlash coming, other times it's a surprise. It didn't even occur to me that the…
It's that time. Hold onto your hats pants. - Sometimes you can see Natalie backlash coming, other times it's a surprise. It didn't even occur to me that the…
Later we will have a proper gallery of images from the interview in T Magazine, but to make the wait more bearable here's a hallucinating video that accompanies the…
Natalie's new NY Times magazine piece has arrived with more beautiful photos, laced with sex appeal, and a unique interview exchange with author, Jonathan Safran Foer, that is incredibly…
Natalie will appear in the New York Times Magazine on July 17, interviewed by Jonathan Safran Foer, for the premiere of ATOLAD in USA, and here is a Sneak…
There are still nearly two months to start shooting The Death and Life of John F. Donovan, (with Natalie as one of the many actors of the cast), but here are the first statements of Xavier Dolan about his next film, which outlines its intentions on the story and characters. We can also see the first promotional teaser poster:
Thursday approaches, and here we have more promotional materials on the occasion of TV Debut of A Tale of Love and darness.
‘The first is an article (in French), along with a great photo of Natalie (Thanks to Kitten for the find):
Natalie French fans are in luck: A Tale of Love and Darkness, her directorial debut, will be broadcast on Canal Plus France next Thursday, May 19 …. and here we have a couple of videos to “heat the room”.
The first is a short interview with the actress about the movie:
Natalie gave some interviews before her appearance in Canal Plus on Monday. Here is one for Madame Le Figaro, where she talks about her life in Paris, her directorial debut and her upcoming projects: