Family Day

  Natalie celebrated the birthday with her family yesterday, with a lunch and a hike alongside her parents and baby Amalia. Once again, Daily Mail has a few pictures of…

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day 4 of PORTMANIA is June 9th! the last Day of PORTMANIA 19 which is, of course, NATALIE'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NATALIE PORTMAN! Birthday cake for EVERYONE! Today she turns…

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Birthday kisses

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Sanji will be back with the special Portmania/Charlies/Birthday update but here's something a little special from Shanna Besson, the daughter of Luc (director of The Professional) Besson. "Awwww" doesn't even…

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PORTMANIA Birthday Party Extravaganza Forever!!

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DAY 5 of PORTMANIA is here!! and It’s Natalie’s Birthday! 6981.

Happy Birthday Natalie Portman!!

Portmania (2)th

ANA! came back to save the world with the above picture. she didn’t have to do it alone.

Because RACHEL returns as well!


and together we have solved all the worlds problems and never again have to worry about anything except for long lines in public bathrooms at sporting events.

TODAY. is the never-ending party that ends in about 7 minutes and 27 seconds. we will take tests on our Natalie knowledge. find out Facts that we don’t know and Recycling!!

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DAY 7 of PORTMANIA 17 is also JUNE 9th!



WHAT?! someone else’s birthday?!?! who could it be?!!


Portmania (3) (1)th

That’s right. ANA made a new Birthday Wallpaper for everyone to enjoy!

now Let’s get things started on this Most Sensational, Inspirational, Celebrational, NATALIETATIONAL!!

This Is What We Call PORTMANIA!


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Day FIVE of PORTMANIA 17 is today!


Quesse made this wallpaper! he’s attended PORTMANIA every year. more or less. there was that one time we had to change venues to be cheaper and, like a lot of people, he skipped out that year. but anyway I can excuse his mix-up of how many PORTMANIA’S there have been. and who can blame him? there’s 17 of them for crying out loud.

but enough of that. he calls his piece “PORTMANIA Submission #1”. WHICH I hope means there’ll be a #2!! because we have nothing ELSE!!!!!

OH MY GOSH. I remember brushing my teeth this morning but I can’t remember if I flossed or not.

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