everything but goya
Hiya Hard to follow up todays earlier update but I'll try. Here are the results of the last poll. The (rumoured) new release date for Magorium is... A minor annoyance…
Hiya Hard to follow up todays earlier update but I'll try. Here are the results of the last poll. The (rumoured) new release date for Magorium is... A minor annoyance…
Heya Max mailed me about AICN having the first "proper" Goya's review. Be warned, it is based on an early cut of the film and the reviewer leaves no spoiler…
Hiya Maverick sent me an email about ET having mentioned Nat and Jake Gyllenhaal being seen together. But now Marie has found evidence of the fact. Does this mean anything?…
Hiya I did an update earlier but I'll be damned if I know where it went. Don't have much time now but here are the important bits. Chloie found some…
Hiya Was really busy today but I'll be back with an update tomorrow. Some new pics, a new poll, some fanart etc. Ciao
Hiya I planned to do a full update but I just got in and I'm freezing my ass off. But before I run to the warm embrace of my...cold and…
Heya I've got some tasty news today so lets get to it. Variety have reported that acclaimed director Wong Kar Wai has cast Natalie in his first english language film,…
Heya Here's the pic stuff that I carried over from yesterday. Jarek sent in some Hi Res pics from the V for Vendetta Press Conference. Fall in love with Natalie's…