Nat in Goya

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Hiya The very first Goyas Ghosts promo pic featuring Nat is here. Lets hope we have news of a US release date and a trailer in the coming weeks. Next,…

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not again

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Morning Here is the new yummy looking np.comic... #23 Thanks to Matt for the lovely looking strip. I just wish I had remembered to include Lainey on the Gael side.…

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open your eyes

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Morning Ok, well the np.comic isn't in my inbox yet but there are some other things to get excited about in the meantime. Thanks to Amo, we finally have the…

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wolf like me

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Hiya Unfortunately the new comic won't be ready till tomorrow morning but I'll post the poll and the avatars. Here are the results of the last poll: *at this point,…

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Hiya I *might* finally be able to bring you the big Mathilda news later this weekend. I'll edit this update as soon as I know for sure. Trust me, you…

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UK peeps

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Morning Just a quick update to ask those of you in the UK to look out for the new Elle (Kate Hudson on the cover), which has Natalie interviewing Bryce…

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