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A day late and a dollar short. Let's start with a new batch of donation thanks - Bryan, Nikki, Tim and Jennifer. You're good peeps. I had previously mention that…

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Hi again It's a little quiet on the Nat front but I'll do an update tomorrow, even if its just a new poll. For today we have another new comic.…

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fire away

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Morning Comic week continues with the second of three strips. Once again, any donations would be very grateful. A BIG thanks to Andreas, Christopher, Matt and Yi Fan for showing…

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Hiya As promised, today sees the first of three new NP.comics. These were created to be packaged with the first chapter of Mathilda but since Mathilda is still a long…

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new poll

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Hiya I think its about time for a new poll. But let's start with the results of the last one: So, Natalie walks past you, looking like this. Would you…

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