this and that

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Hola Evening ladies and gents. But especially the ladies, cos, you know...ladies...mmmm. There isn't really anything to knock us on our asses today but I'm sure an ass knocking is…

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Heya I've got good news for those of you who are a fan of this gallery. A lof of those photos are a bit too small to satisfy (I can…

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Hiya Scarlett Johansson is featued in the new Vogue and Celiana transcribed all the Nat mentions from the article. I asked her why she chose to play Mary Boleyn, a…

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Hi again Garcy just let me know that Natalie was spotted at the Knicks basketball game yesterday. God, she's looking beautiful. Her previous appearance at a Knicks game was also…

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My Joie

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Hiya Just a few odds and ends today. Thierry found a small plot synopsis of My Blueberry Nights on this dutch site. Here is a translation: A young woman makes…

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