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Hola Melody has been very busy so Pasha has been helping out with the galleries. There was a lot of work to catch up on but she's doing a helluva…

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Hiya Let's kick things off with the April wallpaper battle. I received around 20 entries and had to then cut that down to a final 10. A few entries were…

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tick tock

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This is a very weird request... I need a drawing for the cover page of a proposal for a television show. This has nothing to do with the site or…

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Morning It's a very special day today. *cough cough* Yes indeed, something about it just feels better than every other day *nudge nudge* Let's begin this glorious update on this…

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Nat speaks

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Hola First up is the official confirmation that My Blueberry Nights will be opening the 60th Cannes Film Festival on May 16. I can't wait to hear what its like…

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Hey guys I'll be back with a full update later but for right now, here is the first decent promo photo of Nat from My Blueberry Nights. Looks almost like…

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