Blueberry trailer
Hi Just in time for the premiere in Cannes, here is a teaser trailer for My Blueberry Nights. Natalie isn't in it but the trailer looks quite beautiful. What do…
Hi Just in time for the premiere in Cannes, here is a teaser trailer for My Blueberry Nights. Natalie isn't in it but the trailer looks quite beautiful. What do…
Evening Let's kick things off with another article about Village Banking. Thanks to Jenski. The queen also joked with Portman, a Harvard alumna and the official FINCA Ambassador of Hope…
Evening So let's talk Mathilda. For those who don't know, I have been trying to develop a Mathilda comic for a year and a half. Those who have been regular…
Hi guys Just a quick update to let you know that Natalie picked up the Best Actress award (for V) at the Saturn Awards. It's nice to see The Descent,…
Morning Nat's scream must have done the trick because it appears that things are back to normal. Let's begin with the results of the last poll: How do you feel…
Son of a biiiiiiiiiiiiitch! No, its not just you. We are having server problems and the site is behaving incredibly flakey as a result. Hopefully the techies can work it…
Morning Jenski found a great new My Blueberry Nights promo photo. Her character certainly seems confident. I was also sent a few translations of that French Press Kit and it…
Ello Another quick (half assed) update tonight. Hannah has found a cute new old pic of Nat hailing a cab in Berlin. Or perhaps giving a Nazi salute...hard to tell…