Just a quickie.
Hi everyone I'm currently travelling and away from my computer so I can't do a full update, but Just Jared has some beautiful new candids of Natalie. Click here to…
Hi everyone I'm currently travelling and away from my computer so I can't do a full update, but Just Jared has some beautiful new candids of Natalie. Click here to…
It looks as though, as of July 20th, "Goya's Ghosts" has been released in the U.S. but only in limited areas. Matt sends word that it's in San Francisco, so…
So, here are the results of the much too long-winded last poll: Is canoodling with baby gorillas one celebrity perk too far? No, it would be for the likes of…
Vote for us and vote often! Together, we can win this thing again! Second Annual Movies.com Readers' Poll Thanks to Dazza, who says he's having a great time. We've got…
Good day everyone, I've got lots of fun stuff to update with today. Let's start with this very cute new old picture sent in by Rafael, which appears to be…
Considering that the number two answer in the poll thus far has been "Uh, what do I care?" and the third one is "Whatever, those gorillas probably small as good…
Howdy Everyone Let's start things off with the results of the last poll. Does Mr. Magorium seem like it will be a good movie? It looks decent, not great and…
Lynda (whom I referred to as Jason in the last post) has made another great find. A picture of Natalie at the naming ceremony in Rwanda plus an article describing…