Welcome back humdrum updates. Just a quick update tonight to bring you some new pictures of Natalie on her birthday. Based on what Dev is wearing they must be going…
Welcome back humdrum updates. Just a quick update tonight to bring you some new pictures of Natalie on her birthday. Based on what Dev is wearing they must be going…
Either the scientists managed to convince Sanjiro that he didn't exist again or he has an even lamer excuse for not doing the final PORTMANIA update. But PORTMANIA must go…
DAY SIX SEVEN. well, yesterday i was contacted by a group of scientists who hate the number six and they demanded that PORTMANIA X have no DAY SIX. i told…
oh jeez. PORTMANIA X day five! hooray for small miracles. Queen Amidala that banner thing. yes we have news and all that. more pictures of Nat and DEV. from Just…
Portmania is being very briefly interrupted in order to bring you some new candids back in New York thanks to Just Jared. Click the picture for more. Rock on Sanjiro.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Celina! you made another banner thing! yes. PORTMANIA X has banner things! and more!!! even a bit of news!... Susan Sarandon once did a movie with natalie about 10…
PART 3 OF PORTMANIA X. check up above our heads, guys and look at the PORTMANIA banner Fel-X made for the week. now look slightly below at Celina's THING!! that's…
DAY 2 PORTMANIA X is late today because i SAID SO. did you know.. That during the very first PORTMANIA Natalie was 19! and now she is turning 27. don't…