Its evolution, baby

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This is the first post in a brand new update system that Kris has setup for the site. The biggest change is that instead of one large update most days, each item worthy of a mention on the site will get its own update with its own comments section.

The other big change is that to view the rest of the update, you’ll have to (more…)

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scrape scrape

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Hello. We are this close |-| to sorting out the square thumbnail problem in the new gallery and we're about this close |---| to a change that will CHANGE NP.COM…

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Mars verdict

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Thought it was about time to call an end to the Mars Attacks poll. The results have been added to the filmography page and...ouch. Next up... Everyone Says I Love…

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I guess the Wuthering Heights remake isn't really on our radar anymore, now that Natalie has left the project, but it might still be of interest to some. According to…

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