Interview with Alice

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In lieu of actual news, I decided to interview Alice the bot. Below is the resulting conversation:

Human: Hello Alice
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: I thought I could interview you for my site.
ALICE: I am sure you could.
Human: Awesome.
ALICE: I’m glad you liked it unknown person.
Human: Uh, we haven’t started yet.
ALICE: That’s cool.
Human: So, do you know Natalie Portman?
ALICE: Tell me more. I don’t know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it?
Human: She’s an actress.
ALICE: an actress is she?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: How can I help you?
Human: I wanted your opinion on Natalie and her films.
ALICE: But not anymore?
Human: Well you don’t know her, which makes things difficult.

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Horror Poll

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With the false rumour that Natalie was to star in a Suspiria remake, I thought the idea of Natalie in a horror might make a good topic for a new…

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Nobody Loves You

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I've just calculated the results of rating Everyone Says I Love You and added them to the films page. These results are, 5 film ratings in, definitely the most different…

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This morning we've extended the number of updates on each page from 10 to 15. We've also added "next" and "previous" arrows so you can scroll through the updates without…

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Thumbs Up

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As of right now all the thumbs in the image gallery have been rebuilt and reassigned. No more horrible square thumbs and no more broken thumbs. Thanks to Rachel for…

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We don't know when and where this was taken but its definitely from a series we haven't seen before. The reason for that might be because the outfit is...let's just…

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