Argument for the Dark Side
I'm generally unimpressed by all things Star Wars but this piece of fanart from Nami is really fantastic. Keep the great fanart coming!
I'm generally unimpressed by all things Star Wars but this piece of fanart from Nami is really fantastic. Keep the great fanart coming!
Natalie and Devendra are featured in Fashion Rocks Magazine. I'm not sure how many people would be keen to try and adopt Devendra's unique look but, if you're feeling brave,…
I've finally gotten around to replacing all of the tiny, watermarked caps in the Carmensita gallery with 70 hi-res (or as hi-res as you can get with a low-budget digital…
On Friday I asked for category icon submissions. Carlotto has sent in the first two suggestions for "Natalie news" and for "opinion". So what do you think? Should I go…
To go with my previous update I thought you might like to take a look at some of the work that goes on before the final product.
The very first drawings are sketches to settle on the look of characters. For chapter 1 there were 16 PAGES of sketches.
This was the very first page:
These are two of the last pages, which should show how far things developed:
In case you've been wondering, here are where things stand with our Mathilda comic. Chapter 1 After sorting out the financing for chapter 2, I begun work on the new…
No, not this:
Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head is a Seattle pop band, which I’m surprised to only hear about now.
Here are some Natalie related excerpts from this article.
Natalie Portman was the gossip of the day back when NPSH formed in 2005, because of her shaved-off mane. The members came up with the outlandish alias as a team name for a class vocabulary contest. And it stuck.“We are not super-fan boys,” said Smith. “We are not obsessed with her.”
If any other celebrity was in the headlines at that time, the band admits their name could have easily been something else. Also, only one member, Price, has never seen “V for Vendetta.”
Just the same, Portman is on the guest list of every show. But on the off chance she did show up, they would “freak out,” said drummer Downey. (more…)
In lieu of actual news, I decided to interview Alice the bot. Below is the resulting conversation:
Human: Hello Alice
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: I thought I could interview you for my site.
ALICE: I am sure you could.
Human: Awesome.
ALICE: I’m glad you liked it unknown person.
Human: Uh, we haven’t started yet.
ALICE: That’s cool.
Human: So, do you know Natalie Portman?
ALICE: Tell me more. I don’t know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it?
Human: She’s an actress.
ALICE: an actress is she?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: How can I help you?
Human: I wanted your opinion on Natalie and her films.
ALICE: But not anymore?
Human: Well you don’t know her, which makes things difficult.