Venice tidbits

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Time for a bumper update, bringing together several smaller bits of news out of Venice.

Firstly, on Monday night Natalie made an appearance at the Gucci Group Awards. We’ve been waiting for non watermarked pics to surface, so we could set up a gallery but, so far, nadda.

Hopefully someone out there might be able to help.

– I wasn’t a big fan of that dress but Go Fug Yourself REALLY didn’t get it. However, they have a theory…

“Perhaps she’s desperately trying to communicate something very important to her fan base, or her manager. Or her mom.”


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So whats the deal with Suspiria?

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When rumours surfaced about Natalie being involved in a Suspiria remake, I got an adamant “not true” from one of Natalie’s publicists. You hear about publicists lying all the time, hell its part of the job, but so far her information had been sound.

Only. yesterday, Natalie made an interesting comment at the Eve press conference. When asked about Suspiria she said:

“Unfortunately I cannot disclose anything about Suspiria at all.”

Now, its possible that something has gone wonky in the translation, and what she was actually saying is that she knows nothing about it. But there’s also a chance that the translation is accurate and if thats the case, then there must be something going on.

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