Time machine #1

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Later today, Rachel will be posting some new pictures and I *hope* to have a certain tidbit of news. Until then, since there isn’t much else going on, I thought I would start a new feature.

When we were moving to the new gallery system I really enjoyed seeing so many galleries that I had forgotten about. Since very few of you have been regular visitors from the beginning, I thought it would be cool to bring some attention to great Natalie moments from the early days.


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PC problems

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And I wish I was talking about politically correct. No, I rebooted my machine today and once back in I found that neither my international nor local desktop net connection shortcuts would work. I mean, they won’t even open up for me to input login details.

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Chateau Nat

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I'm sure we'd all prefer pictures (man, LA sucks) but will have to make do with Nat spotting of the textual variety. Nicole Richie and Joel Madden, commandeering a couch…

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