A pooch wallpaper
Nannina sent in this cute wallpaper, which takes advantage of another great expression from pooch.
Nannina sent in this cute wallpaper, which takes advantage of another great expression from pooch.
With two new film projects announced this week the new poll was a bit of a no brainer. In case you’ve been away and have no idea what I’m talking about, click here and here.
After the click, the results of the perfume commercial poll. Poor Rach 🙁
A few weeks back I heard that Pink (the singer, not the colour) had mentioned Natalie in a video for MTV. She said something like "Where are the Natalie Portman's…
UGO have put together a top 50 list of Jewish Hotties and, obviously, Natalie gets a mention. To see what number she comes in at, click here. Gotta love the…
SIlversurfer is back with more great Leon wallpapers. All are 1280x1024.
Quite a few new pictures of Natalie and the Nat Dog at the dry cleaners in West Hollywood the other day have been added. Click the pic for the gallery.
Natalie appears in a blink-and-you-miss-it spot in the sequel to the annoyingly patronizing Five Friends PSA, entitled Five More Friends, urging Americans to vote (or not, whatever). If you're having…
If you haven't read the earlier Isabella V update, be sure to do that first. I was able to find out that there is truth to it, but that things…