2 new wallpapers (2009-02-04)
Silversurfer didn't make these wallpapers but rather found them online. I wish I had some names or sites to credit... 1024x768
Silversurfer didn't make these wallpapers but rather found them online. I wish I had some names or sites to credit... 1024x768
Huc noticed that IMDB removed the Feb 13 limited release for NY, I Love You and have replaced it with another vague "April". You might recall that a week ago…
The IMDB now has a release date up for Brothers - a somewhat vague "August". About a week ago I was told that the date is definitely not locked in…
Way back in July of last year we reported that Natalie would be doing an anti-fur PSA for PETA with a Brazilian actress by the name of Elissa Sursara. Well…
The first round of the Red Carpet Pic Battle is nearing and end. We started off with mostly very one sided results but more recently the galleries seem to be…
Today we have a couple more young actresses looking up to Natalie. The first Emma is Roberts, Julia’s niece. I believe we’ve had some quotes from her in the past but I think these are new.
Question: And do you hope that the independent world is something that you’re going to continue to be drawn to, in terms of your acting? Is that what you want to do?
Roberts: Yeah. I love it. I mean, I want to do everything. I really like Natalie Portman, because I feel like she’s done a little bit of everything.
Question: She started, also, very young.
Roberts: Yeah. She started young. And she does the big studio movies, she does the independents, she does comedy, drama. I just really admire her for that. And she’s very educated.
Earlier this year there were 3 fake PSA's in which Natalie and Rashida Jones (The Office) found the answer to all the worlds problems in puppies, kittens and chickens. You…
As mentioned last month, Natalie writes brief entries for The Daily Beast. Her latest entry espouses the virtues of the TV show, Mad Men. The TV show Mad Men is…