Gallery Updates
As promised, I've uploaded 300+ Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones screen captures to the gallery. This update feels so appropriate for Valentine's Day as the film…
As promised, I've uploaded 300+ Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones screen captures to the gallery. This update feels so appropriate for Valentine's Day as the film…
Due to the fact that only TWO people sent in Valentines Day or Birthday/Anniversary fanart...its just too depressing to even try and make the update. So I'm gonna give it…
You’re looking at the new design, bitches!
Since its our 9th anniversary and birthday I thought that, instead of the usual recap of our time in charge of the site, let’s instead look forward.
Even though the new design wasn’t entirely ready, we decided to throw common sense out the window and get “something” up today.
So, while it is up it’s definitely not finished – hence the “beta” on the banner.
Click on to read a few important notes regarding the new design.
Thanks to Fanatical for finding the first video from yesterday's big Global Initiative event at the University of Texas.
We have a few of the first images of Natalie (in a familiar outfit) earlier today at the Opening Plenary Session, "Making a Difference on Campus: A Call to Action"…
This is quite a funny little story. A producer from Working Title Films sold his blackberry on Ebay without thinking to delete his phonebook residing on it. So along with…
My beloved Venice outfit kicked ass and took names in the 29th first round match up of the Red Carpet Pic Battle. The 30th match up amazingly (ok, maybe "amazing"…
As previously mentioned, Natalie is going to be at the University of Texas this weekend. Here is another bit of confirmation from Tomshoesblog. This weekend will be fast-paced and exciting:…