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As you may have noticed, we finally got around to changing the georgia fonts back to arial, which looks a lot better and clearer. Plenty of other tweaks of the…

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Natalie gets a Brazilian?

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I’m quite chuffed with that title. What I’m referring to, of course, is not the tear inducing quest for smooth genitals but rather the fact that In Touch Weekly are suggesting that Natalie is dating Brazilian actor, Rodrigo Santoro.

Here is the report, by way of Just Jared.

She has been dating Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro for about a month according to InTouchWeekly. According to a source, “They are trying to keep a low profile, but he is a very sweet guy. And to make things more interesting, Ryan Gosling has been in the mix as well. After splitting with Rachel McAdams (again), he’s been “texting her all the time and asking her to hang out,” says a friend.

Rodrigo is probably most famous for this…


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Get the look

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All the ladies out there might be interested to know more about Natalie's makeup for the Oscars. The makeup artist Jeanine had this to say. “My inspiration for Natalie on…

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Gallery Updates

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I've uploaded 80+ new Oscars photos to the gallery, most of them from the Vanity Fair afterparty. I must admit, I got totally fangirly when I saw her with Meryl.…

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