Terrible girlfriend that you’d still date
Quite a nice little feature over here entitled "7 Terrible Movie Girlfriends We'd Still Date". Making the list is Natalie's character from Hotel Chevalier, which is a great choice. If…
Quite a nice little feature over here entitled "7 Terrible Movie Girlfriends We'd Still Date". Making the list is Natalie's character from Hotel Chevalier, which is a great choice. If…
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's site has a small mention/confirmation of Hesher. But I'm just really excited and wanted you guys to know. Before starting work for Mr. Nolan, I'm doing this independent…
Well, it seems that Production Weekly news about Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Rainn Wilson joining the cast of Hesher was on the money. According to the article below, Hesher will begin…
We've got some more medium-res MakingOf launch party photos for you guys tonight.
A pair of teenage bloggers for the Tribecca Film Festival got to spend two hours chatting to Nat last week. Two hours?!?! You know how many hours I got to…
Sky have another video about MakingOf, which includes some new interview footage that we haven't seen before. I saw new but the reality of these events is that there are…
Okay, I think its definitely time for a post MakingOf launch poll. I know the site still has a long way to go in terms of development, but I’ve tried to cater for those who want a bit more progress before they have their say.
Personally, as a fan of Nat, as a fan of film, as someone who still has modest film making ambitions…this is like the perfect storm…although, wait, the perfect storm was bad wasn’t it? So this is more like the perfect orgasm!
After the jump we have the poll results for Natalie Big Read story.
Female First have jumped onto that new quote from Natalie about her not being keen to promote things she doesn’t believe in.
We’re used to celebrities faces popping up on beauty campaigns all over the place, from Beyonce at L’Oreal and Scarlett Johansson for D&G but we’ll never see Natalie Portman doing such a thing.
Natalie has revealed that she doesn’t believe in endorsing products to make money, New York magazine reports.
The actress said: “I don’t have a problem with making money, but I don’t believe in doing something you don’t believe in to make money.
“Like a makeup campaign or something like that – the opportunities that young actors have all the time.”
It’s refreshing to hear a celebrity speaking the truth instead of plugging something she has probably never used.
That’s fine but they really could and should have included the positive message that came with the full quote. (more…)