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As far as tidbit updates go, this is as good as it gets. - Natalie is co-hosting a screening for a documentary, about the New York art world, called "Our…

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Nat on Jewish TV

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A couple years ago, Natalie attended the Jewish Television Network Vision Awards. Now a new video has surfaced from the event, showing Natalie talking about what it means to be…

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Talented family

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I guess this could be considered off topic but I think its definitely worth mentioning. Natalie's dad Avner, who is an OBGYN, has actually penned a fictional short story. This…

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Jason is better than you. Why? Because Jason donated $30 to put his name into the NP.COMic collaboration draw 6 times. I have a feeling Jason’s magnificence will be sung about for generations to come. If you want to join Jason and Bryan in the draw to help create your own NP.COMic, just click the link below and make a donation. It just takes $5.

The returning Matt/Dazza comic should be coming in a week or so, after which we’ll do that draw.

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