Rate Garden State + Snow White Results

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We haven’t done one of these for awhile but its now time to continue rating Natalie’s films. I then work out an average and include it (alongside ratings from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes) on that films filmography page. Last time we did Cold Mountain so today its the turn of Sam and Large.

Rate Garden State

After the jump we have the results of the Snow White rumour poll. They’re pretty even although I definitely expected more to be in the negative camp. As it stands, most will need a bit more info before jumping off the fence. (more…)

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Round 3 Ends

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We started with 64 appearances in our Red Carpet Pic Battle and after the results below we're now down to just 8. The last match up was a bit of…

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Dare We Dream

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In Contention's Kris Tapley has a new column on how the Oscar race is shaping up. He focuses on how Cannes changed things, or in the case this year, didn't.…

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Closer Makes List

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Liquid Generation has compiled their "10 sexiest strippers in movies" list, and of course Sam from Garden State comes in at #5 ;-) Thankfully, the list doesn't come with commentary.…

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