MTV Rough Cut

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Scrape scrape. Many of you might not have seen this really cute clip from the days of promoting The Other Boleyn Girl. MTV Rough Cut gets Natalie and Scarlett talking…

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Pucker Up

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Since it’s all quiet on the Natalie front (although expect a little MakingOf gift later) I thought I might as well respond to Lodovico’s response to yesterday’s Your Highness update.

Lodovico is upset with and firmly disagrees that Natalie will be kissing Danny Mcbride in their new film. Here’s what he had to say:

Even if this is a comedy, that would be too weird they to hook up. And McBride’s character seems a lazy and arrogant nerd, a loser. I highly doubt he gets Natalie’s character at the end. That wouldn’t be funny, just simply weird and awkward. Maybe he’s stalking her aggressively but I couldn’t imagine more… ougggghhhhh… besides, there is already a romantic sequence: between Franco and her fiancée.
I think to show her romantically involved with ugly or weird people is quite unbelievable and unattractive. That’s why they didn’t show her hooking up with Javier Bardem’s character. 🙂 So, I really don’t know why do you think it’s necessary to put her together with an unattractive, fat chubby guy. And why do you think they SHOULD do it. That would be quite disappointing and incredible, so I would be surprised if they would want them hooking up. Ouhhhh….


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