Black Swan

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This update is best viewed while listening to Thom Yorke – Black Swan.

As Sanji posted earlier, The Hollywood Reporter paint a pretty clear picture that Darren Aronofsky is finally going to get his Black Swan film off the ground, with Natalie now attached in the lead role. They seem there’s enough interest that its only a matter of time before the money is in place, and it might even start filming before the end of the year.

Here’s AICN’s take on the story.

At this point I think we can safely conclude that what I’ve been told all these months, that Natalie isn’t doing Suspiria, is in fact on the money. Why? Read on… (more…)

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Semi Finals 1

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Ok, here we go. Just 4 appearances left in the Red Carpet Pic Battle. Take a close look at each gallery to be really sure of your choice. Semi Final…

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Mechandise Monday

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I'm expecting the next np.comic later this week and thank goodness for that because Natalie has turned invisible these past couple weeks. Soon after that strip is posted, we'll be…

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