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Okay, this has less than nothing to do with Natalie, but FOX just aired a new pilot called Virtuality. Its a sci-fi show from Ron Moore (Battlestar Galactica, Carnivale) and…

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Padme Art

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Star Wars fans might want to keep an eye on the official site, as a new retro-styled Padme portrait is on the way and could be on sale sometime next…

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Well, at least someone is getting a glimpse of Natalie. Mercado La Paloma: Yesterday Natalie Portman checked out Trekking L.A./GOOD Magazine's Global Feasts, Local Streets event. She skipped the Thai…

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Cap in hand time.

The Amazon purchases have been almost non existent this month, donations have been barely okay and traffic is down because its been a quiet news month.

So if you’re in a position to help, please please PLEASE do so.

Its been awhile since I’ve felt the urge to punt anything but this is a no brainer. Eastbound and Down season 1 is now out and if you want to hook into Danny Mcbride’s comedic stylings, before Your Highness hits, this show is a great place to start.


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