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The winner of the last np.comic draw, Martina, was like our first winner Jason. She had a general idea for a suggestion, but wasn’t about to lay out a script to follow. I tried to come up with something to fit her suggestion but I couldn’t come up with anything that really interested me.

As desperation set in, I threw that plan out the door and came up with something a bit off the beaten path. Matt’s been working on it and hopefully it’ll be ready within the next few days.

As for the next fan comic draw, we have some more names to add to the hat. Matthias was kind enough to throw us $5, so his name goes in once, while Shaun really showed some love with a $50 donation. That means his name goes into the hat 10 times! (more…)

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My Poll Idea

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At the conclusion of the pic battle, I mentioned that I had a silly idea for something to fill the void until we can do the next pic battle. Unfortunately (for us at least), Kris is busy building a house for his new family. So he doesn’t have time for anything but the most urgent matters. I think he’s moving in pretty soon and as soon as he’s settled down on his nice new couch, I’m gonna dump a ton of stuff on his lap.

But I thought I could at least mention my idea in the mean time.

As I said, this is incredibly lame… (more…)

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Food Tidbits

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It's all about the munchies today. - US Weekly spotted Nat having dinner with the parentals. Before she flew out to the UK, I take it. Natalie Portman dining with…

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New Poll + Brothers Trailer Results

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I was going to do a new poll last night but decided to hold off a day in the hope that something worth polling would turn up. So thank you, Top Chef! Like Project Runway, it’s a quality competitive reality show, and should make for a nice appearance.

But what do you think?

After the jump are the results of the Brothers trailer poll. Opinions on the film are optimistic but the trailer itself got mixed reviews. (more…)

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Glorified Blurb

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Okay, Natalie's involvement in this article is barely more than a passing mention, but the article itself is really interesting. It's about celebs who are now starting to go direct…

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