Merch Friday

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It's weird, I don't intent to keep shifting the day later in the week but it keeps happening. Anyway, the next np.comic script is done and I think you guys…

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Boleyn Fan Vids

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Andra Avra made some fan videos featuring footage from The Other Boleyn Girl. I've been saving them for a quiet day and today definitely qualifies. Enjoy. One Two Three Four…

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Another Watson Link

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Nice to see another flattering comparison to Natalie, in another article about Emma Watson. She's taking risks with fashion — everything from Chanel to Rodarte — without feeling compelled to…

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Got a couple emails today prompting me to add Thor to the filmography page so I thought I should mention we only add a new film when filming is about…

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Joystick Division have a new article up in which they cast actresses to play famous game characters. Here's Natalie's entry: Natalie Portman's sweet and charming looks coupled with her great…

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