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To start with, I just heard from Matt that the new np.comic (FAN EDITION!!!) will be ready within days. I’ll speak a bit more about the winner and the strip itself when it goes up.

We finally have some names in the hat for the next fan comic draw, only its the same name four times. A HUGE thank you to Martin, the only guy to drop us a donation in two weeks. Please throw us a few more bones :-/

On DVD next week is the second season of Flight Of The Conchords, which I’ll take about after the jump.


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New Actress List

  • Post author: do a poll that studies the commercial and critical success of young actress in the previous 12 months. Strangely, despite an incredibly quiet last year and a half, Natalie…

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AnnaSophia Robb

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The young actress from Willy Wonka, Return To Witch Mountain and the surprisingly good Bridge To Terebitha, joins the ever expanding list of young actresses that look up to Natalie.…

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New Poll + Friends With Benefits Results

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Since we got some more info about 17 Photos Of Isabel, along with the first official photos from the film, I thought it would be an idea to check out the expectation levels for this film.

The New Isabel Poll

As for the previous poll, a 3rd of Nat fans are already planning where to put the Friends With Benefits poster on their wall, but a similar number think its too early to say one way or the other.

Results after the jump… (more…)

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Mad Maxine

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The internets are abuzz at the news, from his own mouth, that Jeremy Renner (from the awesome Hurt Locker) is testing for the role of Mad Max in the upcoming…

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