Rumours Edit
I've made a couple changes to the Rumoured Projects Page. I removed Black Swan, as I think there's enough evidence that this will be happening. I also added that ridiculous…
I've made a couple changes to the Rumoured Projects Page. I removed Black Swan, as I think there's enough evidence that this will be happening. I also added that ridiculous…
You can view it below or you can head over to Apple to enjoy it in much better quality.
Natalia Shmarenkova is Miss Ukraine and also Miss World 2008. She seems to think that a Hollywood career is beckoning and that she's buddies with Natalie, who will also star…
Yesterday it was Closer and today we've got 4 great avatars from The Professional. Thanks once again to Rachel.
...Paris! I just got a message from Melody, our wonderful former staff member, who says that a friend of hers saw Natalie in the Rose Bakery this morning. Parisians, keep…
Over at the MTV Blog they're talking about Robert Rodriguez's upcoming film, Machete, and its epic cast of c list celebrities. They reckon its going to be a lot of…
Just in case you forgot what Natalie looks like, I've uploaded some vintage Nat photos to the gallery. I replaced one watermarked picture in the Tibetan Freedom Concert gallery, added…
To start with, I just heard from Matt that the new np.comic (FAN EDITION!!!) will be ready within days. I’ll speak a bit more about the winner and the strip itself when it goes up.
We finally have some names in the hat for the next fan comic draw, only its the same name four times. A HUGE thank you to Martin, the only guy to drop us a donation in two weeks. Please throw us a few more bones :-/
On DVD next week is the second season of Flight Of The Conchords, which I’ll take about after the jump.