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Sorry guys. Twas a busy day and now that I'm back at my PC my brain is moosh. Definitely don't feel up to doing the next batch of fantasy film…

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Carey Mulligan

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We've mentioned Carey on the site before, in a post about Oscar chances and an interview clip where Carey mentioned working with Natalie on Brothers. Now AICN's Quint wrote a…

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Meet Up

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Over on ohnotheydidnt, someone posted a little story about meeting Natalie. On the prodding of others, he posted the full story, which doesn’t contain much Natalie tidbits but is quite interesting all the same. The initial post is below and after the jump the longer version.

i met her through mutual friends and she actually introduced herself to me as if i had no idea who she was. and she kissed me on the cheek when she said goodbye. super nice girl.


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Live At TIFF

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This LOIP premiere arrival coverage, from the fans side of the fence, is either amusing or annoying. I can't tell which. Those two Nat fans are pretty gorgeous. Maybe one…

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TIFF Photocall

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Now that the gallery is back up, we've got a lot of new pics to share. Starting with these photocall portraits from TIFF. Rachel will have lots more treats for…

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