Nat Directs

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We did post this clip, from the NY, I Love You short that Natalie directed, before but some might have missed it and if the clip title is any indication,…

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Carlotto said he made this wallpaper while in a bad mood. If that's the case then here's hoping he has more awful days :-P 1920x1200

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Gay Rights

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Natalie, as is her mood at the moment, has signed a petition for a movement in support of gay rights. More than 80 entertainers and political figures including Julia Roberts,…

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New Poll + Ballet/Hamlet Results

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New York, I Love You will open in 125 theaters on Friday. On the same day it opens in Spain and later this month Netherlands, Russia and South Korea will get the chance to check it out.

All of which leads to…

The New Poll

In the last poll, almost half of you were impressed by both of last weeks public appearances. But the ballet gala appearance had a bit more love on an individual basis. Results after the jump. (more…)

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