Showing Hollywood How Its Done – #6 Results
As you may have noticed, this is now going to be a once a week feature. The aim is to wrap it up before the end of the year, after which point we can send it out to agencies ;-P
The winning choice this week was quite comfortable and you can see the full results after the jump. Here’s where we now stand, if you have any ideas for the direction just leave a comment. The new poll will be up tonight.
A young woman wakes up next to nobody. All too aware of this fact, she hugs her pillow. Eventually she gets up and dispassionately goes through her morning routine.
Now dressed up, she approaches the front door. A post it note reads “Today”. She puts a trembling hand on the door knob but she can’t bring herself to turn it. She angrily pulls off the note and scrunches it up, before retreating from the door.
Sarah has not left her house for 7 years. She has not seen another human being for the duration of that time. Every morning she goes to the door with every intention of opening it. But she never does.
Unbeknownst to Sarah, most of her door-to-door deliveries are made by the same guy – a guy who finds himself more and more intruiged by this mysterious woman. (more…)