Time to clear out a few mini updates that aren't quite worthy enough to have their very own updates. - There's a brief Natalie mention in this NY Times article…
Time to clear out a few mini updates that aren't quite worthy enough to have their very own updates. - There's a brief Natalie mention in this NY Times article…
These Gustav Klimt inspired wallpapers are a bit naughty but if you can't be naughty on Sunday, when can you? Thanks to Gabriel.
Great find from Gabriel tonight. It's a behind the scenes music video of Natalie's fantastic V Magazine shoot. Click the image below to check it out.
Last night I got an email letting me know that Natalie would be going to the Directors Guild this morning. I didn't know anything more than that but Fanatical noticed…
Dave Poland has apparently seen Brothers. He hasn't really written out his thoughts yet - probably under embargo - but did make a couple comments in his latest Oscar column.…
Maribel mailed earlier about a Production Weekly tweet that pertains to Thor’s shooting schedule.
Filming on Marvel’s “Thor” is scheduled to begin in LA mid-January, then move to Santa Fe, New Mexico from March till late-April.
As mentioned during Spoonbat’s Thor post, I want to do several polls to gauge Thor expectations and track them until the films release. Today we start with the first one.
After the jump are the results of the previous poll, which include a first (I think) – an option that didn’t get a single vote. Poor Barb.
There is a short clip of Natalie up on the Brothers site. I haven't seen the clip, because I don't want to see any more footage before I sit down…