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As usual I’ll begin with an np.comic update – Matt has unfortunately been held up by other work however he assures me that the strip will be ready before the weekend. I’m REALLY curious as to how this one will turn out.

So in a few days we’ll be doing the last fan comic draw for 2009. Right now we just have two guys in that draw as the last week resulted in *sob* no donations. If you have a few spare bucks, please throw a little love our way. Santa is watching and taking notes.

As usual, every $5 gets your name into the draw once and the winner will get an np.comic all for themselves.


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Book Reading

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Blogger Nicole Sherlock was lucky enough to attend a reading from Jonathan Safran Froer on Monday. Not just because she's a big fan of the writer and his wife, but…

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Brothers Tidbits

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Man, I wonder when the Brothers review embargo ends. Would be great to read some proper reviews. While we twiddle our thumbs, here are a couple other Brothers related news…

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Showing Hollywood How Its Done – #10 Results

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Right then, I think we’re approaching the final straight of our little synopsis experiment. The latest addition was this option…

That night, Sarah looks out of her window at the park down the road. She holds up Jeff’s last polaroid, which features the very same park. She goes to the front door, turns the doorknob and steps into the night.

The next round will be up later or tomorrow. I hope my brain is better able to unweave everything this week because last week was a hell of a struggle. If you have any suggestions, don’t hold back.

Full synopsis and results after the jump.

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