Dazza’s Brothers Thoughts

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I was able to finally watch Brothers today and I thought I’d share my opinion because, lets face it, it’s important. Not because my opinion matters more than any other, but because if I hate a Natalie film I’m going to be making snide comments about it forever more. If I love it then it’ll be quite the opposite – a mini love letter every time the film gets a mention on the site.

So, did Brothers fall into either of those camps for me?


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Down The Rabbit Hole

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The non news item of the day was found by Kitten and its a nice example of how stories can unfold online. Let’s work backwards.

This blog says that Sony is looking to purchase the Swedish crime trilogy, Millennium. They say that Kristen Stewart is “listed to play the hacker”. But that Natalie and Ellen Page have said they are interested in the role.

They credit this LiveJournal, which reports the same thing. They in turn credit this Spanish blog.

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End Of Year Awards – Categories

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As I mentioned a few days ago, I had an idea to start an annual end of year awards. I asked for category and name suggestions. The latter didn’t yield much so I’m going to call the awards – The Charlies. Unless someone comes up with something better…

As for the categories, after the jump will be the provisional list. This is the last chance to make a suggestion because next I’m going to try and fill each category with nominees.

So, here they are…

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NP.COM Calendar

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It's time to put together another calendar for 2010. If you have contributed fanart to the site before and would like to do one or two months for our calendar,…

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