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Couple more mini news items. - This designer of cool and creepy contact lenses has apparently made a pair that Natalie has used on film. - Philly.com talks about a…

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New Poll + Elle Results

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Hesher has its first screening on Friday the 22nd, and personally I’m getting quite optimistic about this small film. I thought it would be a good idea to see where you guys stand on it. So…

…how do you think Hesher is going to be received?

As for the previous poll, half of you guys thought the new Elle spread was one of the very best that Natalie has ever done. Another 34% thought it was merely “very good”. Yow.

Full results after the jump.


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You know the drill... - Canadian presenter, Leah Miller, talks about interviewing Tobey and Natalie recently. They're such amazing actors. Natalie is such a beautiful girl and they were lovely…

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Sundance Preview

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The Sundance Film Festival kicks off next week, and there are certainly a lot of interesting films set to play in the snowy town. Amongst them is Natalie's, Hesher, which…

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