Brothers Round Up
Carlotto and Spoonbat have found a few Brothers news items and I thought I'd lump them all into one update. Film 2010 with Jonathan Ross looks at Brothers, which opens…
Carlotto and Spoonbat have found a few Brothers news items and I thought I'd lump them all into one update. Film 2010 with Jonathan Ross looks at Brothers, which opens…
Continuing on from the earlier post, here are the remaining awards.
Better than Between Too Ferns and Unscripted…really?!?!
Okay, here are the first batch of awards for the first annual The Charlies. I think these awards were one of my better ideas, which isn’t saying much, and will definitely be returning this time next year.
I’m a little pressed for time so the remaining winners will have to be announced later.
Thanks to all of you that took the time to vote now click on the jump and applaud the winners.
Voting is open for just one more hour. Depending on how busy my day is, I'll be posting the results soon after or later tonight. VOTE VOTE VOTE
It's like a Bah Mitzvah for young female actresses - you come of age when you mention looking up to Natalie. Just a couple days ago we had Chloe Moretz…
This new piece of Thor casting might be considered of a SLIGHTLY spoiler-y nature. So I won't mention who it is...which is probably making it sound more awesome and mysterious…
Jeff Wells of Hollywood Elsewhere is attending Sundance this year and has put together a list of 26 films that he hopes to check out during the festival. Hesher makes… have put out their 99 Most Desirable Women list for 2010. Natalie didn't make the list last year but thanks to an Oscar appearance and Brothers getting released, she's…