Nat In Empire
It seems Natalie is in the latest Brit film magazine, Empire, and Jibson has sent over the highlights.
After pursuing a career typified by performances that have elevated her critical standing and transformed her into something of a role model… Portman appears to be finally letting her hair down “You should see my character in Your Highness” she beams with a sweet smile, referring to the swords, sorcery and skunk movie she recently shot in Northern Ireland with the crew behind Pineapple Express “I kick some serious ass”. Empire doesn’t doubt her- we’ve been on the set of the movie (out in October) and have witnessed her small, furry bikini and her big set of weapons- and we’re all too aware that she’ll slay many a ruffian before hurtling full throttle into an unlikely but tempestuous fling with stoner-cum-rubbish-knight Danny McBride “It’s a really funny script” smiles Portman “and a little bit rude”.
Small furry bikini? I didn’t need any convincing but if I did that would have taken things over the top. Hit the jump for thoughts on Thor, Brothers, Black Swan and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.