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A bit late considering when the film was released but perhaps timely due to the currently running poll for My Blueberry Nights. It's a report from the location scout of…

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Stylist Again

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The Stylist interview from the other day was a bit awkward to view but fear not, Sak has transcribed it and added to the articles section. Check. It. Out.

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Most Desirable

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MSN have put together a Most Desirable Women of 2010 list. It's ridiculously light on content and annoyingly wants you to inflate their numbers by clicking to see each next…

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New York…I Think We Should See Other People

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I finally caught up with the anthology film, “New York, I Love You”. After it was finished I considered writing that fact on my hand because I already felt the few stand out moments fading away in the rear view mirror.

To be fair, for a moment, I probably disliked as many NYILY shorts as I did with Paris Je T’aime. What was missing was at least a handful of really great shorts, but with NYILY I felt most of them fell into a very safe an uninspiring “well that was…OK” camp.

I may be wrong but I get the impression that the producers really tried to reign in the filmmakers, to make the stories much more uniform in the hope that it plays more like a normal feature film. To “help” this they use little epilogue moments from previous shorts as a segue between two other shorts.


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