Gallery Updates

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I've updated both Rodarte galleries with HQ versions of old photos, as well as seven new additions to the fashion show gallery and one new addition to the exhibition gallery.…

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Normally these updates have quite forgettable entries, but this batch is a bit more important that the usual fare. - Nat and Ben spotted walking "hand in hand" through the…

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Heard Through The Grapevine

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Before I post about Natalie’s latest public appearance, here are some comments the Rodarte and Baryshnikov appearances. on Rodarte:

Natalie Portman lingered upstairs with her boyfriend, that day’s Rodarte show still on her mind. “It was magic, especially when they came out in the glowing heels,” she enthused. The gorgeous invitations had been hand-dipped in wax—but that was news to Portman, who only recalled getting hers by e-mail. “Now I’m going to make them give me one!”


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