Houston Win

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A 7th Best Actress win for Natalie, this time coming from the Houston Film Critics. There were no other Black Swan wins but “We Are Sex Bob-Omb!" won best song,…

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Gallery Updates

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I've updated the gallery with UQH pics from two 2008 Fabrice Dall'Anese photoshoots, one taken during the 58th annual Berlinale Film Festival and the other from Vanity Fair Italia. While…

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Rachel posted the news that Roger Ebert has named Black Swan his 3rd best film of the year, which reminded me that I should post this link, a page that…

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New Poll + Thor Trailer Results

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Rachel and I are a bit iffy on the new Vogue shoot, but I sense most think its a really great set of photos. Well, let’s put it to the test in a new poll. Quite simply, is it one of the greats or one we’ll soon forget about?

The Vogue Poll

As for the Thor poll, only half of the voters had a positive impression of the trailer. A film that definitely has a lot of convincing to do before its May release. Results after the jump.


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