Palm Springs Round Up

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I’ve going to be a jam packed news day of catching up so let’s jump right in with some news items from Natalie’s Palm Springs International Film Festival appearance.

There’s no better place to start with than (a part) of Natalie’s acceptance speech. The bit about Ben was all sorts of “awwwwwww”.

We’ve got a lot more after the jump.


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If you're in the US and Black Swan hasn't played near you yet, it might be time to rejoice. Due to the continued success of the film, they are planning…

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Saturday Night Live is largely a painful experience, but every now and then they come up with something really good. Last night they tackled Black Swan and the results are…

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Ohio Win

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Natalie has been named Best Actress from the Central Ohio Film Critics, with Jennifer Lawrence in second place. Black Swan was named 4th Best Film and also nabbed runners up…

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