Video Roundup

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Before I get to the big video find of the day, here are some other odds and ends.

Popsugar has some nice interview footage from the No Strings Attached premiere, which includes some comments from Natalie and other people commenting about Natalie.

A couple more clips after the jump.

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First NSA Reviews

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I didn’t even know Elle did reviews but they’re first out of the blocks with the No Strings Attached critiques. You’ll be pleased to know that they actually really enjoyed it.

If Emma were portrayed by almost any other actress, she’d be obnoxious. But even when she’s mouthing off, Portman brings an innate delicacy to the part; we sense the vulnerability ­behind all that tough talk.

The second review is much more important, as it comes from one of our own – Beatsbroken, who posted his thoughts on the forum. So far so not nearly as bad as we were fearing.

I’m very excited to say that I got to see “No Strings Attached” last night! A close friend of mine is a movie critic and offered to take me along to a screening because he knows how much I love Natalie. I should also mention there was a blizzard last night where I live.. I literally was walking in knee deep snow to get to the theater! The things I do for Natalie!

And now for the film… it’s better then I thought! I can’t say too much because technically we’re under embargo for the next 2 days. But what I can say is that the red band trailer is a much more accurate representation of the film then the green band trailer.


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Time Out

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Time Out have a nice interview with Natalie over here, due to Black Swan opening in the UK in a few days. But dancers do eat, don’t they? ‘I think…

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