Class Of 2010

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Lauren sent in a couple more photos from yesterday's Academy Luncheon. The first has Natalie posing with the 4 other best actress nominees, while the second has ALL the nominees.…

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Nominee Luncheon

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The Academy Awards Nominees Luncheon takes place today, and Natalie should be in attendance. You can see for yourself by tuning into streams on the Oscar site and their Facebook…

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I Just Wanted It To Be Perfect

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Yesterday I was able to FINALLY catch Black Swan. Sitting here, I realize I have literally nothing new to add to the conversation, a conversation that was concluded weeks ago. I am that late guy to the party but for anyone who cares, I’ll share a few thoughts after the jump.

There will probably be some spoilers, but since I’m the last person in the universe to see the film, that shouldn’t be a problem.


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- The LA Times has put together a strange Most Beautiful Women In Film list. It doesn't just focus on the present day, but includes the likes of Hepburn and…

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Photodump, Pt. 2

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I’ve updated the gallery with some new magazine covers and scans. I have to confess, some of these have been sitting on the back burner so long I don’t even remember who to credit.

I’ve also added scans from the latest issue of InStyle after the jump, which includes two new pictures and the entire interview.


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