More Your Highness Spots

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It’s weird doing a fun Your Highness update while tragic events are unfolding on the news as I type. I hope all you guys are safe and the worst of it is over.

On such a day, maybe a few laughs isn’t such a bad idea, and these new TV spots do just that. The first is focused on Natalie’s character and then after the jump there’s another one that focuses on the whole cast.


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Time For A Napa

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Natalie and Benjamin have been enjoying some time in the Napa winelands, which I'm sure was very welcome after a hectic awards season. First up is Natalie's dining schedule... Natalie…

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Out Of Touch

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Awise spotted a new Gossip Cop entry about Natalie and Benjamin fighting over where to raise their child. Benjamin, the French man, wants to stay in New York and LA…

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Leroy posted a link to Dave Poland's video interview with Natalie from December (I think). I know a lot of you would have seen it already, but even if you…

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Suspiria > Your Highness

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An interesting tidbit was hidden within a Your Highness set report over on Viceland.

You might recall that Natalie was strongly linked with David Gordon Green’s (the Your Highness director) Suspiria remake. Suspiria is a classic horror film from Dario Argento, and the setting is a ballet school. I kept getting told it wasn’t true, but when Natalie was seen doing ballet lessons (below left) and then meeting Green (below right), it was hard to deny those rumours.


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The Oscar Boost

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Twig spotted a really interesting article in the new EW. It has quotes from agents who say that Natalie's payday's will increase but maybe not hugely, however she is now…

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