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It's a rumour heavy edition of tidbits today. - Total Film Magazine has an interview, which I can't find, with Natalie in which she says she maybe should have gone…

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Black Swan Nightclub Scene

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After the jump I’ve got 30 captures from the frenetic night club scene that the editor of Black Swan said was the most complicated scene in the film, involving 1000 manipulated images over just 45 seconds of screen time.

If you thought it was a case of mostly normal club scenes with the odd bit of subtle crazy thrown in, think again. It was probably the exact opposite of that, with only a handful of “wow, a normal looking shot” thrown in.

Obviously, you may want to avoid these images, although it’s hard to classify them as spoilers because you can watch the film 100 times and you still won’t be able to pick out most of this stuff, unless you slow it down.

Now, let’s hop down the rabbit hole.


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More On Sarah LaneGate

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If you didn’t read about the Black Swan body double controversy, head over here for the update from last weekend.

A new article, picking up on that Dance Magazine feather ruffle, continues to throw support behind the injustice of poor Sarah Lane. They even go as far as to say, “She was playing a ballet dancer. The quality of her dancing was under scrutiny. So aren’t we compelled to say that a good 50% of that Oscar statuette, if not more, is really Sarah Lane’s?”

I had my say on the subject last weekend, and don’t really have anything more to add. But Fanatical made a great forum post on the subject and, if you head after the jump, I’m going to reproduce it here.


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It's been awhile since we've had a batch of mini updates. - Natalie has been named one of Playboy's 27 Sexiest Celebrities of 2011, along with another gorgeous South African…

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