Thor Footage Seen

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Around 20 minutes of footage from the middle of Thor was shown at CinemaCon (aka Showest) and Peter from Slashfilm talks with a couple other film bloggers about what they saw. Below is the video of that chat, but if you don’t feel like sitting through all of it, which includes takes on Super 8, Kung Fu Panda 2, Puss In Boots and Captain America as well, hit the jump for the Thor highlights.


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Another Day, Another LaneGate Update

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The discussion and debate intensifies around the web and if you haven’t weighed in yet, yesterday’s update has a pretty epic comment section already.

The links today are a bit more positive, from Natalie and Black Swan’s perspective at least. I guess this is like a tidbits update with purpose.

– Let’s kick off with Cinemabland, who point out one of the more obvious flaws in Lanes complaints – that Natalie was very clear about what she wasn’t able to do and even praised Lane for filling in where necessary.

Sarah Lane would have every right to be pissed off if Portman and company were claiming no body double was used, but the reality has been the exact opposite. I can’t tell you how many interviews I’ve read in which the new Academy Award winner has admitted she couldn’t master the most difficult moves and needed Sarah Lane to make those work. The whole point of training rigorously at a craft in preparation for a film is to make the audience believe you are who you’re playing. Numerous examples of this can be found in sports movies. Let’s take Slap Shot for example. I’m well aware Paul Newman wasn’t good enough to be a minor league hockey player, but because he has a fluidity to his skating, holds the stick correctly and seems entirely competent on the ice, viewers are able to buy him in that role. The same principal applies to Tin Cup. Kevin Costner is not a professional golfer, but it doesn’t matter. He worked on the arc and motion of his swing enough so that the shots of him playing seem realistic enough.


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