No Premiere Appearance

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Unfortunately, Natalie wasn’t in attendance at the world premiere of Your Highness last night. Franco, McBride, Green and co. were on the makeshift college red carpet though.

Where is Natalie? Possibly in Philadelphia, where Ben is working with the Pennsylvania Ballet, as she was spotted exploring the town with Whizzer.

Natalie Portman shopped at Joan Shepp (1616 Walnut) Tuesday afternoon. The pregnant Oscar-winner is in town with fiance Benjamin Millepied, who choreographed her in “Black Swan,” and who is now working with the Pennsylvania Ballet on “Building on Balanchine,” which runs April 14 to 17 at the Merriam Theatre. Millepied previously worked with 14 PA Ballet dancers in “Black Swan.”

UPDATE: Portman, in a navy poncho and toting a little dog, stopped into Art in the Age (116 N. 3rd) this afternoon where she was looking at Utility Quilt throws. She and the pooch also popped into Hello Home (10th & Pine). The couple dined Tuesday at Zahav (237 St. James) and we’re told Portman is giving her man space as she has not turned up at any of the ballet company’s rehearsals at its East Falls studio. The couple are expected to commute back and forth to New York between now and the show debut


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New Poll + YH Anticipation Results

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It dawned on me that I don’t believe we ever did a poll on the Sarah Lane situation. Now that it seems to be pretty much at an end, I want to know who comes out of the scandal worst?

The better late than never, LaneGate poll

As for the Your Highness poll results, a good 70% are chomping at the bit in anticipation for the film. Full results are after the jump.


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