Well Spotted
Natalie's character in Hesher may not have the best eyesight, but Joe Schmo certainly does. Joe noticed that the store where Natalie's character works is called Charlie's Food Town. Of…
Natalie's character in Hesher may not have the best eyesight, but Joe Schmo certainly does. Joe noticed that the store where Natalie's character works is called Charlie's Food Town. Of…
ABC now have an article complimenting the 20/20 special, and there are a few interesting passages. Firstly, it was nice to see that they contacted the Black Swan editor and…
When you read this post please imagine my brow as furrowed. Natnat found a preview of Sarah Lane's 20/20 appearance, which airs in full tonight. If anyone was expecting her…
I've updated the gallery with a new photo of Natalie on the set of Hesher with director Spencer Susser and four new promotional stills from the film (courtesy of Daemon's…
It's been forever and a day since I came cap in hand. But first a comic update. Matt has had the new script for a couple weeks now and I've…
And here I was thinking that the dance double drama was behind us. Sarah Lane, that shrinking violet, will be appearing on an ABC 20/20 special about the Black Swan…
After the vegan world freak out, for Natalie's decision to go from vegan to vegetarian during her pregnancy, it's nice to see a Vegan blogger speaking up in Natalie's defense.…
A couple late to the party tidbits where Danny McBride talks about Natalie. The first is a video interview with the BBC, in which Danny talks about watching Natalie strip…