Natalie Devestated
That's what the Sun Times would have us believe, with regards to Lanegate. They claim to have heard from friends of Natalie and it's just more gossipy junk. Trying to…
That's what the Sun Times would have us believe, with regards to Lanegate. They claim to have heard from friends of Natalie and it's just more gossipy junk. Trying to…
Here cometh a little bit of tids. - It's official. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has a new director - Craig Gillespie. Here's hoping 3rd time is the charm. -…
MTV has a funny little clip from Hesher, which includes Natalie and a pool. Enjoy :-P
I've updated the gallery with the complete(?) set of photos from Natalie's wonderful Alexi Lubomirski editorial for her Christian Dior parfums campaign. You may recognize most of the photos as…
The reviews are really coming thick and fast now and the consensus continues to remain very upbeat. Here is another promising batch.
– Empire gave it 4 stars.
The fish out of water stuff works like a charm. Hemsworth emerges from this a true star, adept at action, good with comedy, swell at the romantic stuff with Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster (there’s a romantic streak a mile wide here)and cut like Kate Middleton’s engagement rock.
– The Hollywood Reporter are also pretty damn enthusiastic.
The hammer-hurling god of thunder kicks off this superhero summer with a bang.
A big thanks to Stefan for sending in this new wallpaper.
The early impressions keep coming and they continue to remain fairly positive.
– Collider has a few issues but is mostly over the moon about it.
Huge points to whoever cast Hemsworth as he’s on the same level as Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man. When Hemsworth was wielding Mjolnir, I was completely sold and smiling from ear to ear. Thor has one of the best action scenes in any Marvel movie.
– Slashfilm have more lukewarm positive thoughts.
Thor is everything you might hope and expect it to be, equal parts good and bad. It is the type of movie I would have loved if I saw it at age 10 — and I’m sure this movie will play awesome to younger audiences. The visual effects are well done, and Asgard is a beauty. And one thing is for sure, Chris Hemsworth does a great job as Thor — it is a tough role to play, and a tough line to balance between arrogance, honor and comedy.
The premiere of Thor was in Sydney today and the first two reviews have landed. So, is it as crummy as some of the promotion materials make it look or…